Free Monthly Webinars and Training Sessions



Complete the form at the bottom and grab the bestseller, “Tips to Success” for FREE access to all the value listed below. Must email your proof of purchase of the book to get access.



Book Club

A monthly group conversation where you have the opportunity to share and reflect on life’s ups and downs as you work through the International Bestseller “Tips to Success” by Chris Holder


Ask Chris Anything

A monthly support session where you can submit any question; lie, business, finance and more, for Chris Holder to answer and give suggestions around

Generational Wealth

A monthly webinar that breaks down how to use Chris Holder’s 6-Figure Secret Checklist to create Generational Wealth

Debt Payoff

A monthly session on how Chris Holder paid off $200k of debt in 2 years, and how you can strategically pay off your debt as well


$2K a Week Challenge 

A monthly webinar where you receive high-level training on how to generate $2k a week in your current business or as an additional income stream

Budgeting 101

A monthly session on how to properly manage & balance the in and out-flow of all your income, expenses, and more.

Financial Fridays

A weekly webinar where you learn how to increase your credit score, build and restore your credit.  Additionally, you will receive information on the importance of life insurance and coverage options.

Don’t forget to grab the book and email your proof of purchase afterward to once you hit submit!

Don’t forget to grab the book and email your proof of purchase afterward to once you hit submit!

Complete the form at the bottom and Grab the book “Tips to Success” & get access to the monthly free value plus our Daily Free Clubhouse Sessions

Don’t forget to grab the book and email your proof of purchase afterward to once you hit submit!

Don’t forget to grab the book and email your proof of purchase afterward to once you hit submit!